
Spam, vigarices, web-crimes e Neo-ONU para um Web-Governo global
Imaginemos una Neo-ONU com uma polícia global da ONU a colaborar com as polícias de todo o mundo, (poderia chamar-se: ONUpol, Neo-ONUpol ou polONU, ou Pol-ONU ou Neo-ONU-Interpol) e com um tribunal internacional da ONU que sobrepusesse um minimo de bom senso de justiça a todas as leis das velhas justiças tradicionais nacionais: os danos devem ser pagos por quem os faz na medida do possível. O spam causa danos astronómicos e quem a faz devia pagar esses danos com multas astronómicas e sequestro dos bens ou trabalho social para indemnizar as vítimas. Por exemplo a mensagem que segue deve ser uma de milhares ou milhões eviadas pela mesma pessoa e por outras que em vez de trabalharem honestamente roubam o tempo a quem trabalha. Apanhar estes indivíduos e fazer-lhes pagar os danos ou trabalharem durante anos para indeminizarem a sociedade seria um bem social enorme. Com multas e trabalho destes anti-sociais podia financiar-se uma melhor ONU, melhores tribunais e polícias internacionais. Com o que se economizava em tempo às pessoas mais produtivas podiam salvar-se milhões de crianças que morrem de fome. Bastaria que esse bilões de danos do spam e web-vigarices fossem orientados para cultivar campos, melhor agricultura, melhor ciência, melhor polítca, melhor ONU...
Até o programa "Striscia la Notizia", chegou a apnhar com as suas câmaras um desses vigaristas. Imagino Neo-juizes de uma Neo-justiça que orientam uma Neo-polícia ("neoPOL, NeoPOL, Neo-pol") para identificar os ladrões do tempo e os condenam a trabalhar para bem da sociedade.
Pires Portugal
Web-crimes: spam, vírus e vigarices... ideias para a nova justiça do futuroTEMPO E ÉTICA GLOBAL
ONUpol, web-governo mundial, justiça sem fronteiras, … criminalidade e terrorismo
onu, unesco, informação e democracia global
Jornalismo e comunicação do futuro
ONU, governo mundial: fórum de ética, cultura e democracia global
Segue um típico e-mail de uma das piores web-vigarices que só uma estúpida velha justiça tradicional pode deixar continuar a causar danos astronómico:
----- Original Message -----
From: "esetlle mamadou" <estelle13_mam@hotmail.fr>
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 7:10 PM
Subject: My appreciation to you.

> #45 Rue Grand Yorf,> DAKAR, SENEGAL.> > Assalamaulakum.> > My Dear Friend,> > Compliments of the day.I did like to send to you the best wishes of good > health and success in your pursuits particularly through my proposal as > contained in this letter. After due deliberation with my son,I decided to > forward to you this business proposal, we want you to assist us .I will give > you more information. As to this regard as soon as you reply.> > I am Mrs.Estelle Mamadou . I am contacting you with the hope that you will > be of great assistance to me, I currently have within my reach the sum of > 7.3 million U.S dollars cash which I intend to use for investment purposes.> > I therefore personally appeal to you seriously and religiously for your > urgent assistance to move this money in to your country where I believe it > will be safe since I cannot leave the country due to the restriction of > movement imposed on the members of my family by the Senegal Government.> > This money came as a result of a payback contract deal between my husband > and a Russian firm in our country.The Russian partners returned my husbands > share .Presently, the Government has intensified their probe in to my > husbands financial resources which has led to the freezing of all our > accounts, local and foreign, the revoking of all our business licences and > the arrest of my First son.> > In view of this I want to acted very fast to withdraw this money from one of > our finance houses before it will be closed down.My husband deposited the > money in a finance firm for safe keeping . No record is known about this > fund by the government because there is no documentation showing that we > have such funds.> > Further more, my elder son have been in detention in the last four years > following the death of my late husband for charges of State organized murder > and corrupt practices. he was just been released by the Supreme Court after > the president brokered a deal with my family regarding his freedom. and he > is still under interrogation about my late husband's assets and some vital > documents.> > Due to the current situation in the country and government attitude to my > family,I cannot make use of this money within, thus I seek your help in > transferring this funds out for investment than leaving the fund here and to > invest the money to profit my family Bearing in mind that you may assist > me.l have decided to part with 25% of the total sum.> > I am seriously considering to settle down abroad in a friendly atmosphere > like yours as soon as this fund get into your account so that I can start > all over again if only you wish. I shall ask my son Mohammade to come over > to your country to liaise with you. If this proposal satisfies you. please > do not let me out to the security as I am giving you this information in > total trust and confidence.> > Please kindly reply by return mail and please include your personal > telephone and fax numbers. Conclusively,we have decided part with 25% of the > total sum. of the total sum,10% will be for expenses incurred during > thecause of this transaction, while 65% is to be held on trust by you until > we can decide on a suitable business investment in your country subsequent > to our free movement by the Senegal Government.> > I will greatly appreciate if you accept my proposal in good faith.> Your URGENT response is needed.> > Regards and God Bless you.> > Mrs.Estelle Mamadou .> > _________________________________________________________________> Découvrez Windows Live Messenger : le futur de MSN Messenger ! > www.windowslivemessenger.fr>P.S.
Propriedades da mensagem: X-Message-Status: n:0X-SID-PRA: esetlle mamadou <estelle13_mam@hotmail.fr>X-SID-Result: PassX-Message-Info: LsUYwwHHNt3HFJ6ADO8BYPPRoNLfiUJ71uaccIionzs=Received: from bay0-omc2-s27.bay0.hotmail.com ([]) by bay0-imc1-s40.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2444); Wed, 30 Aug 2006 10:10:10 -0700Received: from hotmail.com ([]) by bay0-omc2-s27.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 30 Aug 2006 10:10:07 -0700Received: from mail pickup service by hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Wed, 30 Aug 2006 10:10:06 -0700Message-ID: <BAY16-F23EBD995E225A6A41DF90EE43E0@phx.gbl>Received: from by by16fd.bay16.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP; Wed, 30 Aug 2006 17:10:04 GMTX-Originating-IP: []X-Originating-Email: [estelle13_mam@hotmail.fr]X-Sender: estelle13_mam@hotmail.frReply-To: estellemama@yahoo.comFrom: "esetlle mamadou" <estelle13_mam@hotmail.fr>Bcc: Subject: My appreciation to you.Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 17:10:04 +0000Mime-Version: 1.0Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowedX-OriginalArrivalTime: 30 Aug 2006 17:10:06.0416 (UTC) FILETIME=[23F5A500:01C6CC57]Return-Path: estelle13_mam@hotmail.fr

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